Friday, January 18, 2013

Top Down Agile Program Development

This time I would like to post something out of coding world, but rather something about software engineering.

Traditional agile program development commonly uses bottom up approach, where one builds the lowest level functionality first then goes up further. API changes is not an uncommon things to happen during agile development, which could lead to code rewriting problems at higher level(s). For example, consider the following function:

function Init(var R: TSomeRecord): Boolean;

which somehow in the middle of development gets changed to:

procedure Init(var R: TSomeRecord);

with purpose of raising an exception instead of returning boolean value to indicate successfulness of the operation.

If this change happens in far future, then all codes using this routine must be rewritten. The problem could arise because we usually don't think how we are going to use an API, or a combination/series of them, when we design. We only think of the API as itself, standalone, away from how it will be used. Therefore, to cover the problem, we could use alternative development method, that is the top down approach.

This method requires you to build program from its highest level first (usually user interface), then goes down further. The idea of this method is largely based on test driven development, when you write test cases first prior to implementing the test unit. The difference lies in the fact that test driven development is still bottom up in the large, yet it's top down for the unit to be implemented. This method ASSUMES the lower level API already exists, regardless of its existence. So, when you code you're thinking of using the API, possibly with other API, together to do some tasks. Because of this, the changes in the future would be minimal or even none. When something goes wrong when you test, the chance is that source of error is at lower level, which means less code to change (one place instead of several).

However, this method is not magical (in fact, none is), as with other methods it has disadvantages as well. You can't see immediate result of your program until the lowest level is implemented, though you can simply put "not implemented yet" output for some functionalities. Functions with deep dependencies (e.g.: requires function X which in turn requires function Y which in turn requires function Z and so on) will be the least ones visible. This method also doesn't play well with incremental approach, which is designed to be bottom up.

Final words: Choose your weapon wisely ;)

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